
Download PDF’s to enrich your painting practice!

Self-directed Courses

These short fun courses were first offered as Play Dates. I have gathered the three downloadable videos and augmented with notes, to give you the chance to work through ideas and fundamentals like colour, value, surface, and composition, at your own pace.

In Rich Surfaces—Strong Images we explore a palette, making beautiful harmonious mixes and talk about where we can find surprising palettes around us. Using our palettes, we create a rich surface with mark making, printings, transferring, resist, and glazing. Images emerge with painting out (negative painting) and are developed with glazing, collage, and creating connections in the composition.

In Joyful Plant Abstractions we start with loose contour drawings of your favourite plant material. Using these drawings and using different mark making tools and a limited create lively paintings enriched with glazing, printing, painting out and collage.

Resources and Self-directed Courses